Transplanted Landscapes
There are lots of ways to take something from somewhere and introduce it in another place. Different people archived different landscapes in different ways. In this process something is losing its meaning, and at the same time it is starting to have another meaning which is completely different than the original one and this becomes almost a hyper reality (I have looked at the Baudrillard`s Simulacra&Simulation and Foucault`s The Order of Things to understand the system of objects and the space of daily life in this context). The project correlates the ideas of archiving landscapes. This process is based on archiving the landscape in theory in a vessel and then constructing landscape within the landscape through positioning of objects. The project examines the relationships of the objects which carry the idea of coming from another place originally, like the idea of simulacra, which explains the term of a copy of a copy.
I am going to do series of collections of things. I will add more complexity into my previous video work. Such as looking at things in different scales and do more detail inside. It should be like opening the space through another space. That may reflect into my project as some surrealist drawings. I am working on projection methods to do it. Capturing movements with short exposure light images on two surfaces. There will be two surfaces and I will move the objects from one surface to another. I am observing the things moving which reveals the space. When things are moving, it means I am opening the space. And the shadows or dark surfaces in that, will be looking out through these things. The shadows might be used as deformed copies of origin of a memory in a time-based system. I am going to start to construct my landscapes with light being exposed on the photographic paper in the dark room with the snapshot of things. I will expose light on one object on the photographic paper, then I will expose another object inside that object (Photogram).
I am observing the Stowe Garden. Because it is a place which somebody archives an artificial landscape in a literal way and each structure has a different history, culture, art and different notions of spaces. These landscapes build a spatial composition bringing together all particular moments in time which give inspirations to the painters for the picturesque landscapes. I have the plan of Stowe Garden. I will mark on map where I am standing, where I am looking through, and what height above the ground. Then I will have started to collect data from different things. Stowe Garden can be one of the these series of photographic imagery of things.
After I create these composites, I will try to design the relationship between the things that I observed. Every composite like the shadow of these things, I will cut out all these shadows and it will be seen the snapshots of certain things behind what has been moved. And these are all kind of compose in different scales in the vessel.